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How to Reduce Piglet Mortality in the Farrowing Unit

The productivity of a pig herd is measured in terms of pigs (or kg) produced per sow per year....

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Piglet diarrhoea and anaemia: diagnosis in the farrowing unit

Neonatal diarrhoea in piglets is one of the main issues that pig farmers and veterinarians face in...

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Cross-Fostering Piglets  During Lactation & Impact on Performance

With genetic improvements, sows can farrow bigger litters. So it is a common feature of modern pig...

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Farrowing Unit Management

The success of a pig farm hinges on farrowing. Managing the farrowing unit correctly will guarantee...

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A single injection gives piglets a better start

“A single injection against iron deficiency and coccidiosis in piglets. It saves me a lot of time...

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Scour in Piglets

Scour —or diarrhea— is the main condition pig farmers observe at the pre-weaning and weaning...

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Treatment of Iron Deficiency in Pigs

Pigs develop anaemia when, for some reason or other, their blood is incapable of carrying enough...

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Bringing Piglets to a Higher Level

What if you could...

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